I'll never forget the first time my swimmer won a race because of her UW speed.

The feeling of your hard work paying off, and trusting your plan to improve.

I want to share those same skills with you so you can feel the same thing.

No more wondering "does this work"

I've put together a course that gets results for you.

Why do so many coach struggle with teaching and training underwater dolphin kick?

  • The coach gets tired of reminding everyone to do it
  • Unsure if the workout is working
  • Coaches have trouble finding the balance between distance and speed
  • Lack of mentorship leaves them trying to figure it out on their own

But why does this bother you?

Because you know it's important.

You know if you swimmers could breakout ahead of the competition on starts and turns it would make a difference.

So I've put together the exact same plan that I use for my 11&O athletes.

Let me introduce to you

The Ultimate Guide for Faster Underwater Dolphin Kick